Emad Aldajani


Networking Events

How To Follow Up After Networking Events

August 07, 20246 min read

Attending networking events opens doors to new connections, but the true success lies in how you follow up afterward. The transition from a brief introduction to a meaningful relationship requires a thoughtful approach. Imagine turning those initial conversations into fruitful collaborations and opportunities. By understanding the best strategies for crafting personalized messages, staying engaged on professional platforms, and nurturing these connections effectively, you can solidify the bonds you’ve made. 

In this blog, we’ll uncover the key steps to make your follow-ups impactful and ensure your networking efforts lead to lasting success.

Understanding Follow-Ups after Events

After attending networking events, understanding the follow-up process is crucial for building lasting connections and maximizing opportunities.

Following up soon after the event is key to keeping those new connections strong. Drop your new contacts an email to say it was nice to meet them and mention something you talked about to jog their memory. 

Then, once you've made that initial reconnection, think about adding them on LinkedIn or other professional platforms. It's a simple way to stay in the loop about what they're up to and vice versa. These digital reminders of your relationship keep the door open for future interactions and opportunities.

Collect And Organize Contact Information

To effectively manage your networking connections, it's crucial to efficiently collect and organize contact information from the individuals you meet at events. Use your phone or some business cards to make this process smoother. Note down not just names and emails but also any specific details that might help you remember them or personalize your follow-up.

Then, set up a system that works for you to keep all this info organized. It could be a spreadsheet or a fancy contact management tool — anything that helps you find the info again easily.

Keeping this info current is a good habit, so you don't lose touch with those valuable connections.

Send A Personalized Thank-You Note

Following up after a networking event is a great chance to show your appreciation and keep the conversation going. Send a thank-you note to each new contact, personalized to them and their specific interests.

Remind them of something you talked about to show that you were listening and are interested in keeping in touch. Make sure the note is sincere and professional, and proofread it to make a good impression. 

This small but meaningful gesture can help leave a positive mark on the new connection and might even open some doors down the line.

Connect On Social Media

Social media is a fantastic way to keep the conversation going after a networking event. Send those new contacts a connection request on LinkedIn or other relevant platforms. Then, keep the engagement going by reacting to their posts, sharing them, or sending the occasional message. 

It's an easy and informal way to stay on each other's radar and learn more about what everyone is up to. You can also congratulate them on their successes or drop them a line to keep the relationship alive. Using social media to network helps you stay connected and build those relationships.

Reference Specifics From Your Conversation

When you follow up after meeting someone, spice up your message with some specific details from your chat. If you talked about a common interest, drop it into your message to show that you were listening. This makes your follow-up more memorable and shows that you're keen to keep the conversation going. 

For instance, if you talked about a shared interest in a particular industry trend, bring that up in your follow-up email to show that you were engaged and value their insights. Referencing a book or article they recommended during your chat is another way to show that you paid attention and are interested in continuing the discussion.

Propose A Follow-Up Meeting Or Call

Take the initiative and suggest a follow-up meeting or phone call to keep the ball rolling after a networking event. When proposing the follow-up, be specific about the purpose of the meeting or call. 

Mention topics you'd like to delve deeper into or potential projects you could work on together. By suggesting a follow-up, you show your commitment to building a meaningful professional relationship.

When reaching out to schedule the meeting or call, offer a few date and time options to provide flexibility. Consider the other person's schedule and be open to accommodating their availability. 

Remember to confirm all details once the meeting or call is scheduled to avoid any misunderstandings.

Share Relevant Resources Or Information

Share helpful articles, tools, or industry insights with your networking connection to provide value and support their professional growth. Sharing relevant resources or information can strengthen your relationship and showcase your commitment to helping them succeed.

When you come across an article, webinar, or tool that aligns with their interests or goals, don't hesitate to pass it along. 

For example, if your connection expressed an interest in marketing strategies, share a recent article about innovative marketing techniques. If they're looking to enhance their productivity, recommend a useful tool that you've found beneficial.

Stay Organized And Track Follow-Ups

Efficiently manage your networking connections by organizing and tracking your follow-ups to maintain relationships and foster future collaborations. Keeping a detailed record of who you met, when you connected, and what you discussed can make a significant difference in nurturing those connections over time.

Use a system that suits your style — a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software or a simple spreadsheet. if you're a business user or a simple spreadsheet if you're more old-school. Keep notes on follow-up dates, contact details, and any other important info. Set reminders so you don't forget any meetings or deadlines, and organize your contacts into categories based on importance. 

Review your progress regularly and keep that tracker up to date. Being organized makes you look reliable and committed to those relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do I maintain a balance between being persistent and being too pushy?

You should aim to strike a balance between persistence and being pushy. It's about staying engaged without overwhelming others. Consistent follow-up with genuine interest and respectful timing shows dedication without crossing into being overly aggressive.

Q2. Is it appropriate to connect with someone on multiple social media platforms?

It's usually fine to connect on various social media platforms if done tastefully. Don't overdo it, balance is key. Be mindful of not overwhelming them. Quality over quantity. Show genuine interest and engage respectfully.

Q3. What should I do if I didn't get the contact information of someone I met?

If you didn't get the contact info of someone you met, don't worry. Try searching for their name online or reach out through a mutual connection. Mention where you met to jog their memory. Stay polite and respectful.


Following up after networking events is crucial for turning initial interactions into meaningful, lasting relationships. By sending personalized thank-you notes, and recalling specific details from your conversations, you demonstrate genuine interest and commitment to building valuable connections.

To keep the momentum going, propose follow-up meetings, share relevant resources, and stay organized. This proactive approach will help you maximize opportunities and strengthen your network.

Ready to elevate your networking game? Start applying these follow-up strategies today, and watch your professional relationships flourish. For more tips on effective networking, schedule a free consultation with me, and let's take your networking efforts to the next level.

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